You’re not happy with the way things are working out and you are determined to take steps to ensure that your needs are fulfilled in the manner which you deserve for them to be. But you would be better served by allowing the momentum to gather rather than springing straight into action. Although you may be feeling frustrated and therefore also impatient, please try to hang in there for just a moment longer. You will know when the time is right, as everything will naturally fall into place and you will be prompted by a feeling of knowing rather than second guessing!
From the 11th March to the 20th, we are in for some powerful astrological alignments! First Mars will cross the plane of the Pluto-Uranus Square on the 11th! Then on the 17th, Pluto and Uranus become exact in their final square for approximately 60 years! Then on the 20th, a Pisces Solar Eclipse brings the opportunity for release of all that has come up in the process! If you would like more information regarding the impact of these powerful alignments upon your personal astrology, please consider one of my vast range of Astrological Services!
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