Uttara Phalguni 6th February, 2015 – Communication Breakdown

It may seem like your strength is faltering. So, you are exploring your options. Perhaps even looking for a quick fix to a problem which may not have a simple solution. But, your answer will not come from seeking alone. At least not seeking of that sort. The block that needs to be removed is not external. The hurdle you wish to surmount is directly affected by your ability to deal with a mental and emotional block. Communications with your Soul may have seemingly been shut off. But all that is needed is a moment to re-establish them!

Uranus and Ketu, the South Node, are presently separating from their conjunction. Yet, the influence is still in effect. An ever deepening alignment between Saturn and Neptune now approaches! To find out more about how these alignments may impact you personally, please consider one of my Astrological Services!


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