Uttara Phalguni 23rd September, 2014 – About Time

There are those who give of themselves tirelessly simply for the love of  doing so. Then there are those who do so out of a desire for recognition; attention for some unloved aspect of their personality. It is not for me to sit in judgement. Most of us are in that latter category more often than the first. One part of us feels undeserving. So, we give in a manner that our ego sees as being selfless. But, our actions are tainted with selfishness due to desire for ego gratification. Equally selfish is not giving to yourself. You become depleted and drained as a result and there is less of you to go around. What you seek from others, you can now give to yourself. Isn’t it about time?

Wednesday’s New Moon in Libra and Hasta Nakshatra follows on the heels of the Equinox. Through facing the opposition in one area of your life, a balance is struck and power gained! To understand the impact of the New Moon upon your chart, why not consider one of my Astrological Services?

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