‘Listening-the earth, its support and the Akashic ethers.
Listening-the oceans, the lands of the world and the nether regions of the underworld.
Listening-Death cannot even touch you.’
‘Listening-pain and sin are erased.’
Japji Sahib
You must be vigilant, firm against the fears which threaten to block out the truth. Strong against the apathy that threatens to numb your ability to feel both pain and pleasure. Pure against rationale that blocks true reality. Bu,t you must also be flexible. Awareness entails humility. Humility fosters receptivity. And through being open comes the potential for lasting change!
Revisiting the past for some unknown reason? Fears surfacing about the way you may have previously handled a situation? You may yet get a chance to rewrite history if you exercise patience and awareness. Uranus and Ketu, the South Node, are currently inching towards an exact conjunction in Aries which takes place on 20th January, 2015. This coincides with an Aquarian New Moon and a conjunction between Mars and Neptune. Find out how this event will have an impact upon your life, and how to best work with the forces at play through an Astrological Consultation.