Uttara Ashadha 15th March, 2015 – A Great Notion

It’s not the things that you know which are causing you trepidation. You can always make an allowance for them and compensate by making the necessary adjustments. It’s those things which you are just beginning to sense that are raising your concern. With them, there is no sense of certainty about what you are dealing with, only a notion. But it could just be that a notion is all you need. The boat won’t rock unless you rock it yourself. Maintain your equanimity and you will sail through successfully!

Pluto and Uranus are presently intensifying their aspect. It can presently feel as if the stakes are high. You may even feel as if you are unsure of which direction to head. This precedes a Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 20th! There is a massive transformation in store. A process of letting go is reaching a climax. I can help you to avail yourself of this profound Celestial Climate through one of my Astrological Services!


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