Do you remember those moments of freedom? You felt alive, thriving from every breath that entered your lungs and sailing off to wherever the winds of change may have decided to blow you with each exhale and each wondrous moment. Life was new. Each second offered the potential for excitement and fulfillment. Then somewhere along the way, you were hypnotised by a snake-oil salesman, duped into trading in your dreams for a nightmare. You sold your freedom and became a slave to a way of life which seemed to offer you more…. more happiness, more material affluence, more security and ….. you guessed it, more freedom. Yet, what have you actually gained? And more importantly, what have you lost?
Lately, those stirrings from grander times that were filled with innocence have once again risen. You have dared to expand your boundaries and step outside your comfort zone. Strange how the walls of a prison can become familiar, your jailor your best friend, closer to you than your own soul. Will you continue to honour the authoritarian voice of rationale? Or, will you finally break free? Lately you have come dangerously close to once again halting the engines of progress, have you not?
On 17th July, Uranus stations, pausing its apparent progress in the sky as it prepares for its retrograde motion over the next several months. What makes this event exceptionally special is the fact that it coincides with a harmonious alignment between Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Mars and Jupiter will be conjoining as they form an accord with Neptune and Saturn. This alignment is known as a Grand Trine. This configuration of planets will be joined by a second Grand Trine later in the month creating a Cosmic Hexagram.
Uranus is.presently in conflagrant Aries. During its sojourn there, it has been the herald of global revolution sparking the confrontation of bullies everywhere, overturning the tables in the temple and giving the money changers a harsh kick in the arse. Quite simply put, tyranny has not been having such an easy go lately as it becomes painstakingly clear that the emperor is absolutely, stark raving nude … and mad with power.
Uranus is presently in the Lunar Mansion of Revati. This profound sector of the cosmos serves the purpose of dissolution of an old way of existence and assists in the transition to a new phase. Presently, there may be only a hint of what is to come. Dare you believe in what could be possible? Or, do you feel spurned to stick with the tried and tested methods to which you have become so boringly addicted. At the time of Uranus’ station, it receives a sharp angle from Mercury, which is the ruler of Revati. Though the revelation which dawns from this alignment may be frustrating to digest, it serves as a spark to awaken impulse. Enough is enough. Although the changes you desire may not be immediately attainable, it is high time to establish the course, if you have not already begun to do so, and to stick with it. The reward? Liberation…. the right to pursue your aspirations as you see fit.
The compass to guide you to your destination lies in your heart, not in the cold, calculating voice of reason. It is your heart that will establish the much needed dialogue with your soul. Where there may be confusion, still it with conviction even if you do not feel convinced inside of yourself. Speak the truth of your soul, even if you find yourself trembling as you do so. Whether the tyrant you confront is personal, internal or wears the guise of the Global Powermongers, the time now arrives to confront the demons who would try to keep you enslaved to your smallness. Rise above. Though there may be a few bends in the road, the journey is yours to take and promises enrichment.
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