Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio ~ Don’t Look Back

Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

This Tuesday, 13th November, brings a Powerfully Transformative Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. As this occurs, Mars is applying to a conjunction with Pluto, and closing in on a harmonious alignment with Neptune known as a sextile. The potential is passionately creative, but we are being asked to honour the highest essence of our Conscious Awareness in bringing forth positive changes for the future. The past is a closed road, but that is so that the path ahead is explored and the journey begun. Tune in to Authentic Astrology Radio on Blog Talk Radio Tuesday 13th November, the day of the Eclipse, at 4pm Pacific Time as I will discuss the Portal now opening through the Total Solar Eclipse. Please also feel free to call in and share your voice at (619) 924-9759. To Listen Live, please Click Here. Together we are stronger! – AM

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