New Moon in Punarvasu – There is a natural pace and a rhythm to the Cosmos and things happen in their due time as they are meant! But it sure isn’t fast enough now is it! Well, at least not as fast as you would like for it to be! You have been hard at work behind the scenes, applying yourself towards putting your energy into a more feasible solution! But it is taking time in development. For the most part you have been patient with matters, fine-tuning new developments as they occur. But, it seems like you are always on the verge, yet never quite there! You are ready to seize the day, grab the bull by the horns and take every action all the popular catch-phrases suggest. And yes, human effort is part of the natural flow. But remember, things happen in their due time! There is nothing wrong with shifting into overdrive as long as it doesn’t lead to short-sightedness!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Saturn
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Harshana

New Moon in Punarvasu

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