New Moon in Swati – Is love in your Heart when you make this sacrifice? Are you inspired by a sense of knowing that what you are doing feels right to the depths of your Soul? Or, do you feel this is beneath you and you are not being respected for the commitment you made? You are responsible for your decisions. To blame another for forcing you to make it would not be wise nor honest. Answer the questions before you and determine your next steps!

Urgent Assistance Needed and Appreciated! We Still Need Another $150 to Cover Our Temporary Accommodation. We Have a Deadline of Tomorrow to Come Up with Enough to Extend! We Really Need Your Help in Doing So. Should You Wish to Donate, Please Use My PayPal Details to Ensure the Funds Reach Us in a Timely Manner. Your Donations ar Deeply Appreciated.

Daily Panchanga
Vara: Venus
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Ayushman