The Importance of Nakshatras – Part 1 A Question of Zodiacs

The Nakshatras are simultaneously the factor in astrology that is least used and used all the time. When we employ Vimshottari Dasa period in an astrological interpretation, we are in essence utilising the Nakshatras. But there is so much more to explore with the Nakshatras, and not just in terms of interpretation. Nowadays there is much controversy within Vedic Astrology regarding whether a sidereal zodiac or tropical zodiac is to be used. Astrologers bicker senselessly over this concept and even call each other rude names. Additionally, we confuse students and clients. Instead we could find much to agree upon and further astrological research if common ground could be found. In the first of several videos, I would like to introduce the idea that the Nakshatras are that common ground!


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