Moon in Purva Ashadha – It seems as if a more positive path is beginning to take shape! But this is only just the beginning! Presently you are feeling as if you are in a state of limbo. Or, as if you are walking across a bridge that is seemingly crumbling beneath your feet whilst you are needing to get to the other side, not only to safety but also to a better existence! For now, it may seem like a battle. But the best thing you can do is to take the high road, to see the goal in the distance and keep moving forward. Perhaps pick up the pace a little!
Until Sunday! Schedule an Empower Hour and get my Vedic Astrology Fundamentals Course for Free! 23 classes, over 30 hours of material!
Vara: Jupiter
Tithi: Krishna Shashthi
Karana: Gara
Yoga: Siva
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