Thank you for registering and welcome to your membership at the Pulse of the Universe Academy of Vedic Astrology! Please note that you should receive an email confirmation of your transaction. To login to your membership, please visit the Login Page and enter your Username and Password which you either created in the registration process or which was included in your registration email.
I know you may be excited to get started with your Membership, and I don’t want to delay you, but there is a brief orientation video which can help you to more fully understand how to interact with the Course Material. This video is especially important if you chose one of the Certification Memberships as it contains important information such as explaining to you that you need to watch each video in entirety, complete each quiz and mark your lessons as complete in order to receive Course Certification.
After watching the video, to begin exploring your membership, please simply Login. Many thanks!
There have been many changes to the Academy since this video. So, some features may not look the same, but I have updated things to make it all more user-friendly.