Krittika (Kṛttikāḥ) 20th December, 2018-Delicate Situation!

Krittika (Kṛttikāḥ) 20th December, 2018-Delicate Situation!

You’re dealing with a delicate situation! So, it deserves the time and attention to make sure that you get things right! Haphazard approaches will only bring hazardous results! So rather than a gung ho approach, try taking a look at what you feel is obstructing...
Bharani (Apabharaṇīḥ) 19th December, 2018-Going Nowhere?

Bharani (Apabharaṇīḥ) 19th December, 2018-Going Nowhere?

What have you taken away from an unpleasant experience? What have you gained from that which was lost? These are the questions that you need to be asking yourself at the moment. It is obvious that for the best of all involved that something has to change. But just how...
Venus in Vishakha Nakshatra 18th Dec.,2018-2nd January, 2019-Is This Normal?

Venus in Vishakha Nakshatra 18th Dec.,2018-2nd January, 2019-Is This Normal?

You want to make sure that the plans you are considering are based upon wise counsel! Plus in addition to making a change, you have responsibilities you have to consider. There is unfinished business with the past and negotiations with the future. So in the present...