by Michael Reed | Feb 1, 2022 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Moon in Shatabhishak – You are locked in on your mission, but you feel as if your strength is wavering due to the recent setbacks you have suffered. Progress takes its own path and the Universe is prone to throwing us a curve ball every now and then! The idea is...
by Michael Reed | Jan 31, 2022 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scope Videos, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Moon Video, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive, Weekly Video Forecasts
New Moon in Dhanishtha – Due to the struggle in which you find yourself embroiled, you are not feeling as if your needs are being met! Your dignity seems to be taking a bit of a hit! But rather than forcefully trying to seize a solution, self-reflection and...
by Michael Reed | Jan 30, 2022 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Moon in Sravana – This seems to be dragging on! You feel that if you had the luxury to bide your time, you would be able to set things right! But there are one or two impending factors that you cannot simply allow to go unattended for long. So, you feel like...
by Michael Reed | Jan 29, 2022 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scope Videos, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Moon Video, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive, Weekly Video Forecasts
Dhanishtha New Moon – I am going to suggest something that may perhaps be really radical to you. Perhaps you are not where you want to be at this moment in time because you have not allowed yourself to be there! Now I know what you are thinking…But ‘they’...
by Michael Reed | Jan 28, 2022 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Moon in Purva Ashadha – It is often at the very moment that you relinquish the tight grip you feel you are holding on the reigns of life that the ride becomes so much easier to deal with! You and life have been in a tug of war you see. An exhilarating wave of...