by Michael Reed | Jan 10, 2024 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Moon in Purva Ashadha – Your mind is set on this! There’s little chance that anyone can sway your opinion. And that is not saying that they should! You have a grand plan of precisely how this can be accomplished. But you need to ask yourself at this...
by Michael Reed | Jan 6, 2024 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scope Videos, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Moon Video, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive, Weekly Video Forecasts
Uttara Ashadha New Moon – You’ve got your dander up about this situation! Hairs are all standing on end, determined to take action in order to alter the situation. But sometimes, the thrill of the chase gets the better of us. We can get aroused by...
by Michael Reed | Dec 27, 2023 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Moon in Pushya – Though one part of you resists, truth be known you would like for this transformation to take place a bit more quickly than it is! But the limitations and the slow development are a necessary part of the process. It helps to ensure that what...
by Michael Reed | Dec 27, 2023 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Moon in Punarvasu – Sometimes your level of devotion has to be such that you are willing to let go! Letting go isn’t losing anything. It is merely recognizing that something you have tried to hold together needs to morph in a different way! Sometimes you...
by Michael Reed | Dec 25, 2023 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scope Videos, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Moon Video, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive, Weekly Video Forecasts
Full Moon in Ardra – How far should you go? What is the honourable response to this situation? Certainly it requires your dedication and devotion, that is undeniable! But the way that you need to express that may not be in quite the way you imagine. It is...