by Michael Reed | Aug 3, 2016 | Aspect Videos, Astrology, Consciousness, Featured, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Moon Video, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Sometimes a problem is a solution in disguise! But the potential for you to discover that depends upon your capacity for perspective! There is a need at the moment for patience, though the temptation may be there to take action. You are not seeing things clearly! And...
by Michael Reed | Jul 6, 2016 | Astrology, Consciousness, Featured, Lunar Scope Videos, Michael Reed, Moon Video
It’s not a question of whether the current events in your life are challenging or not. It’s a matter of how you respond to the challenge! Will you lose your confidence? Can your dignity be diminished? Or will you land on your feet and recognise that with...
by Michael Reed | Jun 11, 2016 | Aspect Videos, Astrology, Consciousness, Featured, Michael Reed, Weekly Video Forecasts
With great power comes great responsibility. Could this be why those who never wish to accept self-responsibility give their power away? And equally why those who have great power become irresponsible? There is a change that you wish to make. But perhaps you are not...
by Michael Reed | Apr 24, 2016 | Aspect Videos, Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed, Weekly Video Forecasts
Where you may have previously been comfortable with waiting for a shift to take place, new developments appear causing you to reflect and review once again. You thought you knew the right way to proceed. But now, you are no longer certain. Whilst it may be frustrating...
by Michael Reed | Apr 16, 2016 | Aspect Videos, Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed, Weekly Video Forecasts
Mars is slowing down. And by the end of the week, he will station and retrograde later to return to direct motion on 30th June. Energy may feel at a low this coming week due to such. But whilst all this is transpiring, Mercury is hard at work albeit in a subtle...