Venus in Vishakha Nakshatra 18th Dec.,2018-2nd January, 2019-Is This Normal?

Venus in Vishakha Nakshatra 18th Dec.,2018-2nd January, 2019-Is This Normal?

You want to make sure that the plans you are considering are based upon wise counsel! Plus in addition to making a change, you have responsibilities you have to consider. There is unfinished business with the past and negotiations with the future. So in the present...
Venus in Vishakha Nakshatra 18th Dec.,2018-2nd January, 2019-Is This Normal?

Mars in Uttara Bhadrapada 20th Dec,2018-11th Jan, 2019-Revelation and Self-Assessment

You have to be firm! But, you also have to be careful! Too intense of an approach will likely accomplish exactly the opposite of what you are trying to achieve! We both know you care! We both also know you are feeling the burden of responsibility! But if things...