by Michael Reed | Sep 2, 2014 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed, Weekly Video Forecasts
As the Sun and Pluto form a harmonious alignment, the details can be sorted in an important connection. But, difficult truths may first have to be faced. It’s a week where progress is favoured if we are willing to learn from the lessons of the past. Don’t...
by Michael Reed | Aug 18, 2014 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed, Weekly Video Forecasts
A tense week brings opportunity as both Pluto and Uranus are involved in sharp aspects. But, Grace and Wisdom can save the day as Jupiter and Venus conjunct each other. In the first of my Weekly Video Forecasts, I talk about the powerful week to come!
by Michael Reed | Jun 10, 2014 | Astrology, Consciousness, Michael Reed, Weekly Horoscopes Archive
I have recently opened an Astrology Shop on the site and I hope that you will take the time to visit it! In addition to my own services, you will also be able to purchase Written Astrology Reports including Compatibility Reports and Financial Outlook Reports. You will... by Plutonian Chronicles | Dec 7, 2013 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Plutonian Chronicles, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
Do you ever stop to think about how much faith is placed into the realm of computer technology? Have you noticed how, gradually, subtly, over time we have begun to delegate our human intelligence and judgement to the calculations and cyber judgements of computer... by Plutonian Chronicles | Dec 1, 2013 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Plutonian Chronicles, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
It’s time to begin to think – and do business – in a new way. And, with a New Year soon in the offing, what better time could there be to direct our thoughts into more inspiring, hopeful and harmonious thought and action patterns? Sometimes, we need...