by Michael Reed | Mar 22, 2016 | Astrology, Astrology Class Videos, Consciousness, Featured, Michael Reed
One of the meanings of Rahu is ‘seizer’. Ashlesha means entwiner, embracer, intimate connection. You put the two of these together and the potential of getting drawn into an inextricable trance is multiplied by infinity! The areas of life affected by Rahu...
by Michael Reed | Mar 22, 2016 | Aspect Videos, Astrology, Consciousness, Featured, Michael Reed, Weekly Video Forecasts
The bitterest pill is often hard to swallow. But many times it is necessary to do so. If you want things to change at the moment, there is something that you have to do. Dithering and delaying isn’t going to sort the problem. Rolling up your sleeves and getting...
by Michael Reed | Mar 22, 2016 | Astrology, Consciousness, Featured, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
If you truly desire to be free, then you will do what it takes to free yourself of this difficult situation. In that manner you can set the wheels in motion towards creating something much better. Pushing senselessly in the same old direction is not going to bring a...
by Michael Reed | Mar 22, 2016 | Astrology, Astrology Class Videos, Consciousness, Featured, Michael Reed
When we are working with the Dispositor or Lord of Ketu in order to determine how the agenda of Ketu will play out in an individual’s life, a special condition occurs when the Dispositor of Ketu shares the same sign as Ketu. The pull towards the previous karma... by Michael Reed | Mar 22, 2016 | Astrology, Consciousness, Lunar Scopes, Michael Reed, Vedic Lunar Scopes Archive
You can see clearly what has to be done. Somehow though, you wish there were some other way. But, the way is here and now. And it is this way, not that other way…at least for now. Think of how much you desire a certain change. Inside, you are already committed...