You may be considering rash measures for the path ahead. You have tasted a degree of success and are proud of your accomplishment. And now you are ready to climb higher mountains than before. But will you climb by flying? Swimming? No! Your feet must touch the Earth. You must relate to that of which you are a part in order to attain further progress. And, that will require a degree of humility. Be grateful for the blessings bestowed upon you and you may just find that there is absolutely nothing which you have to struggle to achieve.

My foundation level course, The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology, is designed to provide you with an organic and empathic relationship to the Planets, the Universe and your own soul through the art of Vedic Astrology. You will gain the necessary tools to use the Vedic system of astrology as a tool not only for self-development, but also for counselling others. This twenty hour class is taught via web conference which will enable sharing of screen, creation of notes, file sharing, plus many more deeply interactive class opportunities. Additionally, each class is saved to a video file and made available to registrants for further study and integration. For further information or to register, please Click Here.