Swati 10th February, 2015 – The Show Must Go On?

So, who’s really running the show? I think the more important question to ask here is why there is an impulse to run anything? Or perhaps an area for even deeper research, why the need for a show? Sometimes due to a desire to feel secure, we take steps that actually have the opposite outcome. Could it be that out of a need to feel comfortable with your actions, you are ignoring your intuition? Could false bravado be digging you into a deeper pit rather than extracting you from it? Luckily enough, all you need do is stop and listen to your heart rather than your head!

As Saturn and Neptune deepen an intense aspect, Jupiter is aligning with Uranus. To the extent that you are willing to let go, a breakthrough may be possiblen ever deepening alignment between Saturn and Neptune now approaches! To find out more about how these alignments may impact you personally, please consider one of my Astrological Services!


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