I hope that you are all beginning to feel the excitement building surrounding the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas Celebrations – on both sides of the Atlantic! I always appreciate that almost tangible, palpable ‘frisson’ that begins to permeate the atmosphere around this time of year; in addition to very much enjoying the emergence of the Christmas decorations in homes, and in the many beautiful shop window displays. There is an extra special feeling of hope, joy and emerging inspiration for the next year to come which begins to transpire somewhere deep down inside – at least, that’s how it is for me!

The energies surrounding us at present can be felt as being somewhat chaotic. Somewhat tense, also, and potentially exposing layers of deep-seated fears. But, it is also a time when we can go back over ‘old ground’, and get to the root of issues from the ‘past’. It is a good time to be particular about the details, and investing energy in making sure you find that which may be ‘hidden’.  In particular, this applies in the area of Communications, of whatever form, be they verbal, written, or of the telecommunications.

Mercury and Pluto now invite us to unearth issues of abuse, be they of the sexual, power or communication kind. These are likely, at present, to relate to ‘the past’. What was being covered up by a superficial veneer in order to hide something dark?

Plutonian Chronicles

Plutonian Chronicles

Hidden fears can surface through your ‘dreamtime’ – so, pay extra special attention to what messages your dreams may hold for you. And remember, too, that those who ‘nay say’ the idea of the relevance of our ‘dreams’ are likely to be fearful of their content – don’t be put off by seeming ‘foolish’ in analysing those hidden dream messages. You are bigger than the ‘nay sayers’ – walk your own path of awareness and wisdom. Let them walk theirs. Those who judge others do so at the risk of breaking their own ‘glass houses’! Dream on, and learn.

And, well, Uranus always invites us to be prepared for the ‘unexpected’ factors which can make themselves apparent at any moment. You cannot base your life around waiting for the ‘unexpected miracle’ – but, you can at least let it fill you with a greater sense of humility around any sudden changes to your plans!

Lies, truths, abuse, communications, telecommunications, revelations, the unexpected factors, attention to detail, past fears rising in order to be faced and conquered a little further; what a busy few days we have in store! But, what we also have, however much we may not like of some of what comes to light, is a lot of healing. With awareness, we can heal. It’s there, if you want it.

I wish you all a hope-filled, inspiring, healing – and festive filled week!

You can contact me by email at honey@authenticastrology.com

And, for those who still dare to brave Facebook despite its ‘oddities’ – ! I do have a new page – Plutonian Chronicles on Facebook