You’re sure that there must be another way of going about this! Every attempt seems to bring you short of the desired changes that you feel you very much need to see effected! A certain amount of refinement can be a good thing. But when you are certain that you are on the right path, you have to be cautious as to how deeply you go into the process. The chaos which you feel is presently plaguing your life is a direct result of inner nervousness! Less is going wrong than you think! Try to integrate that! You might actually be overreacting and creating more problems for yourself as a direct result. Outer determination now needs to be backed by inner decisiveness! Inside of yourself, you already know the answer! Rather than controlling the flow, let the solution flow through you without second-guessing!
Daily Panchangam
Vara: Jupiter
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Parigha
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