Staying Your Sails – Moon in Mula September 11th, 2024


Moon in Mula – At the end of the day, only you can know your own Heart and the path it is on! If you continually adjust your sails based on the direction in which the wind blows, you may forever stay lost at sea. Sometimes you have to weather the storm and simply hope for the best. You are dealing with a matter presently where you must trust your own judgement. To do so lays the foundation of self-trust. Don’t give in to fear and paranoia, it will drive you into the dark. By no means do you need to defend your path. Simply trust that you know your journey and what needs to resolve will do so.

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Daily Panchanga
Vara: Mercury
Tithi: Shukla Ashtami
Karana: Bava
Yoga: Ayushman

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