Sravana (Śroṇā) 13th February, 2018 – Fluid Motion

You feel in your soul that you need to do something. But, the more you turn the situation over in your mind, the more confused and doubtful you become! Though impulse can often lead down a bumpy road, it can also be the spark of fluid motion. Let yourself be inspired by the opportunity that you perceive and rise above the doubt about which you are uncertain!


Daily Panchanga

Vara: Mars
Tithi: Krishna Trayodasi
Karana: Vanija
Yoga: Variiyas


Now that we have passed the Total Lunar Eclipse, we are in the powerful period between eclipses as a Solar Eclipse takes place 15th February! To find out about the impact of this Celestial Event upon your own personal astrology, please Click Here!

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