Split Ends! – Moon in Uttara Phalguni 3rd Aug, 2019

How do you choose to use your resources? Will you squander them? Will you split them? Or will you consolidate them and use them in a manner that can make a difference and truly stand a chance of creating lasting change? I think we know which of those options you would choose! You can’t solve a problem by splitting it in half! Instead, you will have two problems! Equally, you can’t sort an issue by creating a divide! You are trying to find the perfect solution to a situation! But the solution you have at the moment is already perfect! You simply need to be patient, trust yourself and deal with it one step at a time!

Daily Panchanga
Vara: Saturn
Tithi: Shukla Tritiya
Karana: Gara
Yoga: Siva

Make the best decisions for the path ahead by scheduling an Astrological Consultation!





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