Pressure and tension are welcomed by no one. But, they offer the deepest enrichment. When a challenge is confronted with awareness, potential is released. It is through going to the deepest places within that the most sublime of gifts are discovered. With the recent Cardinal Cross alignment between Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars, we have been put to the test. Slowly but surely we are coming out the other side. What did you learn? Whom did you discover beneath the mask? Who has been hiding for decades behind the facade of frailty? Do you dare now to accept your power? And, an even deeper question for you, can you wield it responsibly? There is no turning back now. But, would you really want to?

A lesson has recently been learnt and an opportunity is now opening before you. But, quite often doubt and self-criticism have a greater share of our dreams than we do. They swallow them whole. They gorge themselves upon the seeds of our future prosperity before they have even had a chance to sprout. That is, if you let them. So, are you going to?

On Tuesday 29th April, 2014 at 7:14 London Time, there will be a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus (Vedic sign of Aries) and the Lunar Mansion of Bharani. This eclipse forms a harmonious alignment with Neptune and Jupiter and coincides with an accordant angle between Mercury and Pluto.

The Lunar Mansion of Bharani relates to the power and potential within creativity. Its energy  ushers in the new after the destruction of the old. Like any birth process, there can be associated labour pains. But, the level of resultant self-awareness and confidence offered are worth the difficulty. Taurus offers the stability, endurance and devotion necessary to see the evolution through to completion.

Although it may be true that you have recently been through the thick of it, there is now an opportunity to emerge from the crucible purified and with a greater degree of wholeness than you have ever experienced. Other challenges will certainly have to be faced, and likely a few within this very week. But, there is an accompanying degree of increasing invigoration on offer. Don’t ignore it. Explore all that it has to offer you. Just a reminder for your journey, self-analysis is healthier than self-criticism. Goodness knows we all face our fair share of harshness. So, why bring it upon yourself? But, a healthy look in the Cosmic Mirror will only help to outline what needs to be curbed and show you how to strengthen the emerging gifts which you will need for nourishing the next phase of your journey. Enjoy every moment!

The Astrology of India, Vedic Astrology, is rich in wisdom and profound in accuracy. If you would like to learn this Ancient Art, I am currently offering a course via Interactive Web Conference. The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology – A Foundation Level Course is Twenty Hours in Length and can be completed in as few as Ten Easy Sessions. For more information, please Click Here. And if you wish, you may also contact me via email to attend a Free Introductory Webinar on Wednesday 6th May at 9 pm London Time.