Shatabhishak 7th March, 2016 – No Remorse

The fact of the matter is that you are dealing with a rather confusing situation, yet having to handle it as if you are sure of what you are doing. You need immense strength and discipline. And it is hard to balance those two with equal part patience. So when there is a problem and you know you are going to have to dig a little bit deeper, you let yourself get worked up to a frenzy. Instead, you just need to get the job done and focus on the task at hand without taking things personally. Just make the necessary changes and move on. Don’t begrudge finding out you need to do something other than what you originally thought. Remember the purpose behind your actions and just do what is necessary, no remorse!


Daily Panchanga

Vara: Moon
Tithi: Krishna Chaturdasi
Gara: Vishthi
Yoga: Siddha

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