Shatabhisha 18th March, 2015 – Smoke and Mirrors

You’ve been here before. You’ve witnessed a similar situation. So, you are likely asking yourself why should you have to deal with it again? Your not going to fall prey to the same illusion, are you? The good news is that although one part of you is uncertain, you are by the day gaining in confidence. Soon you will trust yourself! For the moment, you need the interplay of smoke and mirrors to let you know just how far you have come and how quickly you can move beyond a painful phase of your life, if you truly desire!

Pluto and Uranus are now separating from their last exactitude in the series of tense aspects they have formed over the last several years. After tension, comes release. A Solar Eclipse in Pisces approaches on the 20th. The energy may feel scattered, but the impact over the coming months will bring positive change. There is a massive transformation in store. A process of letting go is reaching a climax. I can help you to avail yourself of this profound Celestial Climate through one of my Astrological Services!


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