Secure the Foundation – Moon in Punarvasu 12th March, 2022

Moon in Punarvasu – The time has come to put an old grievance or conflict to rest. There are more important things to attend to at the moment! You are coming into your strength and beginning to see the path ahead of you much more clearly! So, why get caught up in the past! There is nothing you can change about it, but you can change your reaction to it by letting it remain where it belongs…a bygone memory! Let enthusiasm fill your sails, put concern behind you. The work has been started. Now it is time to more firmly secure the foundation!

Until Sunday Night, Schedule and Empower Hour and Get the Nakshatra Secrets Video Course for Free! Schedule Here!

Vara: Saturn
Tithi: Shukla Dasami
Karana: Gara
Yoga: Sobhana

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