Rohini 1st May, 2014 – Wrench in the Works

Animal Instinct by Michael Reed
Animal Instinct by Michael Reed
Animal Instinct by Michael Reed

There is such a thing as working too hard to try to bring your dreams into reality. Ego separates itself from the natural process, blocking out the higher sensory input of intuition and instinct and eventually throws a wrench in the works. The Universe, today, wants to nourish your aspirations. But in order to avail yourself of its assistance, you need to relinquish control and listen with an open mind.

The Astrology of India, Vedic Astrology, is rich in wisdom and profound in accuracy. If you would like to learn this Ancient Art, I am currently offering a course via Interactive Web Conference. The Universal Language of Vedic Astrology – A Foundation Level Course is Twenty Hours in Length and can be completed in as few as Ten Easy Sessions. For more information, please Click Here. And if you wish, you may also contact me via email to attend a Free Introductory Webinar on Wednesday 6th May at 9 pm London Time.

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