How do you cope with chaotic situations! Do you work with it? Or, do you let it get the best of you? You may feel that the time is right to take action! Yet, your actions don’t seem to be going as planned, simply because the timing is not right! You can let it frustrate you! Or, you can assess the situation in a realistic manner! You may have to accept that the best you can do is to honour what feels right! You may not be able to conquer chas, but you can cooperate! Try to go along with what is transpiring and you may find chaos works to your advantage!
Daily Panchangam
Vara: Mars
Tithi: Shukla Shashthi
Karana: Kaulava
Yoga: Vyatipata
We are dealing with challenging times that require much more strength and clarity! I can help you to gain yours! Schedule an Astrological Consultation Today!
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