Purva Bhadrapada 19th March, 2015 – Make Concrete

Are you not enthralled by the options that you see for the future? Then why your reticence in exploring them? Do you doubt your capacity to make concrete the abstract? If you shut down inspiration the moment that it appears by piling fear on top of it, certainly you will not make your dreams come true. But if you explore your fantasies, you may just find a way to make them a reality. That is, if you want to!

Pluto and Uranus are now separating from their last exactitude in the series of tense aspects they have formed over the last several years. After tension, comes release. A Solar Eclipse in Pisces approaches on the 20th. The energy may feel scattered, but the impact over the coming months will bring positive change. There is a massive transformation in store. A process of letting go is reaching a climax. I can help you to avail yourself of this profound Celestial Climate through one of my Astrological Services!

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