Purva Ashadha Full Moon 1st-2nd July, 2015 – Emotional Indigestion

Are you sticking with a situation out of an outdated sense of loyalty? Care too much to the extent that you are finding it hard to care anymore? Having to wear a tonne of armour just to get through your day? Having to attempt a Herculean feat in order to keep something together? What would happen if you didn’t do any of the above? Certainly, it might take the same level of strength, but you would be free of the hardship afterwards. It is a time of endings and new beginnings! What sat right in your heart previously is now giving you a case of emotional indigestion. Times change, as do you. Be true to yourself in the moment and allow each second to blow you a fresh breath of life. Let go, move on and be free!


You can watch a Full-Length Video on the Capricorn Full Moon in Purva Ashadha, and the week beyond by clicking on the video below. Enjoy and Be Well!


2 thoughts on “Purva Ashadha Full Moon 1st-2nd July, 2015 – Emotional Indigestion”

  1. Hello Michael,
    thanks, I listen to your message everyday. I have a question though. Do you use the nakshatras as per the sidereal or the tropical zodiac?

  2. Rima,
    Many thanks for watching daily! Excellent question. The Nakshatras are by their sidereal position. But there is a special calculation that I use for delineating them that calculates them as per the equatorial position in relation to the fixed star Dhruva. I come from a school of thought that believes that as the Nakshatras are beyond our solar system, or extrasolar, they should be calculated sidereally. As the signs are twelve 30 degree portions of the ecliptic, they should be calculated tropically as the ecliptic is the apparent path of the Sun from Winter Solstice to Summer Solstice and back again. The ecliptic, and therefore the zodiac, is intricately connected to the seasons as are the tropical signs. I hope that clarifies your question!

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