There’s wisdom in the statement that patience is a virtue. But when there is uncertainty mixed with feelings of vulnerability bubbling beneath the surface, it’s tough to keep one’s strength and confidence intact. The mind will race, telling you that you should not hesitate another moment. But, to quote another saying, haste makes waste. Take the time to let it all come together in the manner that it needs to. Listen to your intuition, not your fears.

If you would like, you can have a sneak preview at the year ahead and what it will entail for you. I am now offering a Special Astrological Consultation where we can discuss the Year Ahead for you in terms of Transits and Planetary Periods. You can also give this as a great gift to a friend! If you are interested, simply order an Astrological Consultation and in addition to submitting your birth information afterwards, please also specify that this is the type of consultation you desire. Many Thanks!