Punarvasu 28th February, 2015 – Call Me Irresponsible

You know your power, but yet you don’t use it. You hold onto it, which would be wise if it needed to be held in reserve for a special purpose. Only it doesn’t. You are perhaps afraid of its impact. You are concerned with your capacity to wield it wisely and with responsibility. But, please trust me when I say it would be irresponsible to stay your hand due to the apprehension that you feel. The time could not be more right than now to act!

Between now and 3rd March, Jupiter and Uranus will be intensifying their harmonious aspect. It’s good that things have been static in a certain area. There has been a missing piece of the puzzle. Soon it will fall into place and unlock another door! If you would like to know more about how this aspect will impact you personally, please consider one of my Astrological Services!



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