Plutonian Chronicles

Plutonian Chronicles

Well, the beauty and joy of spring is certainly in the air, in the realm of Nature. New life is beginning to bloom. The birds are rapturous in their rendition of the Spring Chorus. But, amongst Humanity, then on the surface it would seem that the overriding wintry themes of war, violence, political hypocrisy, economic and social inequality, in addition to environmental abuse remain an ever present constant. You would have thought that we would have gotten over all of that stuff by now, wouldn’t you? Given the desperate misery and harm which accompanies such negative behaviour patterns, then it would surely be only complete monsters who could consider the continued propagation of such anti-social and anti-environment actions. Wouldn’t it?

So, we have some monsters amongst our midst. People who are still prepared to kill, in the name of Ideology, and Power. People who are prepared to kill in the name of Capitalism, and ‘democracy’. We must have ‘freedom’ to shop. Mustn’t we? And to shop, we need endless materials – and access to the resources with which to manufacture such materials. And, of course, we need oil and gas – to power our materialistic lifestyles to which we have become addicted and accustomed. And, to continue to fill the pockets of those who profit by the Oil Industry, of course.

And, as the general populace of rich, consumer nations tire of this constant barbarity which is ‘war’, then the Governments of such nations must now seek to employ a rather different strategy to get around such war anathema amongst their Peoples. They seek to stir up social and ideological unrest from the ‘inside’ of those other nations whose resources and land are so desperately needed, in order to acquire and maintain adequate supplies of the Earth’s rapidly dwindling resources. And then – hey, the ‘Good Guys’ can play Sir Galahad, and ride in to the rescue; looking, on the surface, as though they have squeaky clean hands, free of any role in the horror which is violent bloodshed and tragic loss of lives. In reality though, beneath the surface, the Truth is sadly all too often a rather different matter.

As so much Truth, rather ‘inconveniently’, now erupts to the surface of our collective Human Awareness, we are being forced – violently shaken, and stirred – to confront the ‘monsters’ which are lurking very close to the surface of our lives. During the next two weeks, our deepest subconscious fears are likely to make themselves known to our conscious minds. The ‘maya’ which is tangible, is becoming rather too ‘dis-eased’ for comfort. A radical overhaul of how we function as a Collective, and as societies, is now being called for. New, healthier, more equitable, kinder, more peaceful, more tolerant, more environmentally sustainable innovations need to be urgently sparked into life. Their seeds are there for the sowing. We can no longer put off their organic planting.

Echoes from the Past are now running strongly along the wavelengths of our human consciousness. We have seen the results of our negative behavioural patterns all too starkly, throughout history. Can we truly be so arrogant, so prideful – so frankly downright stupid, as to repeat them? Well, yes, we can. But, so too, can we choose not to. That’s the gift which has been granted to Humanity. The gift of Time perspective. The gift of reflection. The gift of learning from past actions. The gift of Vision for the future. The gift, of conscious choice.

We have the ability to be peaceful, kind, tolerant, caring and sharing. We have the ability to make sacrifices, for the sake of the Greater Good of the Earth and future generations of Humanity. We even have the potential for altruism. So, to err on the side of anything else – well, I rest my case.

The Universe, right here, right now, is saying – ‘here’s your radical opportunity to make a better world for yourselves’. Let’s scare those monsters away. For good. And then, all will be well. PC

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