Of Two Minds – Anuradha New Moon November 23rd, 2022

Anuradha New Moon – Though you may have been of two minds, or in some instances two separate minds about a situation, it is recognised that now is not the time! It is not the time of arguing over the minor details… Not the time for disagreeing over whether the landscape is blue or grey. Progress can be had if middle ground can be found! If you give an inch, the chance is slim now that someone will take a mile, but instead, it is likely that you will both find yourself miles further along your journey! You don’t need to surrender yourself completely to a common point of view! You simply need to recognise that there is a shared cause and commit to it, different perspectives and all! The details have a funny way of working out!

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Anuradha New Moon

Vara: Jupiter
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Atiganda

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