Never Shy – Moon in Swati October 15th, 2023

Moon in Swati

Moon in Swati – The situation calls for strong and direct action! Only you are not feeling so strong and, to be fair, you are also feeling a little less than direct. In fact, you feel a bit scattered. If this were any other time, you would hold off. But, you are being tasked with a responsibility. Many would shy away or feel nervous. Not you! Nervous? Yes. Shying away from action? No! You know what needs to be done. Set to it!

Starts Today! Registration Still Open! Want to learn the Nakshatras of Vedic Astrology, the Lunar Mansions as they are sometimes called? Join myself and those already signed up for Cosmos and Consciousness! It is sure to be a lot of fun! Minimum Payment of $75 for the Full 16 Week Course with Sliding Scale Registration!

Vara: Sun
Tithi: Shukla Pratipada
Karana: Bava
Yoga: Vishkambha

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