Mercury Retrograde November, 2012 ~ Authentic Man Astrology Audiocast: Shut Up and Listen!

Mercury Retrograde November, 2012 ~ Authentic Man Astrology Audiocast: Shut Up and Listen!
Authentic Man (Michael Reed)

The planet, and indeed the Universe speak. We have lost the ability to understand the language that it speaks as we have become alienated from the Soul, its interpreter. Humanity’s continued obsession with mass materialism and consumption in the wake of major Earth changes is tantamount to fiddling as Rome burns. We must now learn again that which we have forgotten. It is high time to Shut Up and Listen!

You can also download a podcast of this edition of the Authentic Man Astrology Audiocasts for FREE on ITunes![powerpress url=””]


Astrology is the Language of the Universe spoken directly to the Soul. I can help you to once again hear the Voice of it’s wisdom. Please consider a Telephone Consultation, or one of my In-Depth Personalised Audio Reports.

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Mercury Retrograde November, 2012 ~ Authentic Man Astrology Audiocast: Shut Up and Listen!


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