Mars Rahu and Uranus in Bharani – You are getting to know yourself more deeply! Due to this, it is becoming clearer that there are certain things that, in being true to your nature, no longer fit in your life. There is no sense in holding on! The anxiety you are feeling? The uncertainty that looms? They are all part and parcel of trying to hang on to someone, something, someplace etc. that is becoming too constrictive to the growth that is developing within you! Resistance can be filled with struggle, tension, anger, resentment and anxiety. Or, you can opt for a more balanced approach that is truer to your nature and simply let go. The things that you are struggling over are being made larger than life by your own mind. The anxiety you feel is a natural reaction to the process, but not one to which you need to pay lip service. There is a better way. Rather than struggling, allow something new to be born that will, indeed, be less restrictive.

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Mars Rahu and Uranus in Bharani