Magha 8th January, 2015 – The Bottomless Wellpool of Wisdom

You carry the wisdom of all that has come before, as well as all that has come before you. Certainly you may not be able to tap into all of it. But somewhere within, you do know what is now right to do and which actions are wrong. This is why you are exercising restraint. Give things some time to come together. The answers that you seek may not be as distant as you fear.

Revisiting the past for some unknown reason? Fears surfacing about the way you may have previously handled a situation? You may yet get a chance to rewrite history if you exercise patience and awareness. Uranus and Ketu, the South Node, are currently inching towards an exact conjunction in Aries which takes place on 20th January, 2015. This coincides with an Aquarian New Moon and a conjunction between Mars and Neptune. Find out how this event will have an impact upon your life, and how to best work with the forces at play through an Astrological Consultation.

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