Like a Magnet – Moon in Dhanishtha December 6th, 2024

Moon in Dhanishtha – You are plagued by mental magnets that can have the tendency to draw your attention towards things that do not matter! They can cause you to fear things which ultimately have lass substance than you think and are, therefore, no real threat. The key to your success right now lies in surrendering to the moment. Regardless of whether you actually can change things, you focus is being diverted away from where it really matters. Be true to yourself and your own needs and watch how the situation transforms!

We Have to Extend Our Temporary Accommodation Friday and Are Still $150 Short. Your Donations or Scheduling a Consultation Help My Family to Stay Housed During the Holidays and Are Deeply Appreciated.

Daily Panchanga
Vara: Venus
Tithi: Shukla Shashthi
Karana: Kaulava
Yoga: Harshana

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