You’re not going to sweat the small stuff! You are ready to move on and chalk this one up to experience. Just a little bit further you figure and the problem is solved. Perhaps it is. But don’t become too lackadaisical! Don’t let your awareness lapse when you still need to have your wits about you. Though there is no cause for alarm and you truly are nearing the end of a journey, matters are not yet complete. Please be sure to honour and respect that! Though you can and should proceed in a relaxed manner, there is a big difference between relaxed and non-attentive!
Daily Panchangam
Vara: Moon
Tithi: Shukla Trayodasi
Karana: Kaulava
Yoga: SIva
26th December bring a Solar Eclipse in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra coinciding with a powerful Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Uttara Ashadha! Find out what it means for you personally! Schedule an Astrological Consultation Today!
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