Krittika 25th July, 2011 - The Sacrificial Pyre‘Let your patchwork coat be remembrance of death. Follow the path of purity, With the walking stick of faith. Let your sect be the family of humanity. Conquer your own mind And be victorious in the world.’ – from Japji Sahib

We fulfill our purpose through humility.  Yet no one benefits from self denigration. It is neither necessary, in achieving one’s destiny, to falsely prop oneself up, nor to hold oneself back. All that is required is to simply be. Yet, to so many of us,  that concept is alien. Addiction to superficial projection has been the norm for so long that there is no recognition of the illness. Gross consumption has driven us to constantly desire more than we need, rather than trusting we will be nourished. As a result, there is famine. The greatest way to balance the scales is through Self-Understanding. World Peace begins at home. If we act locally we can achieve the Highest Global and indeed Universal Results.