There are certain periods of Time when we must have our proverbial backs pushed up against a brick wall. Why? Because, without that intensity of feeling that your worst fears may come to pass, there wouldn’t be sufficient reason for you to push just that little bit harder for a way to prevent their coming into being. To make room for a tiny spark to ignite a random thought. So, as uncomfortable as these sorts of Times may feel, they are actually doing you a big favour: that is, to see an unexpected solution which can potentially set your back free once more…
The coming days offer the opportunity for just such unexpected radical thoughts and ideas to present themselves. If you suddenly find yourself thinking of a potential solution to a seeming impasse, don’t let your fear of failure prevent you from following it through to the point of taking action. Neither should you endeavour to keep a ‘stiff upper lip’ and allow your pride to get in the way. This is a Time for innovative, radically outside of the box thinking. Humour your imagination. Don’t be ashamed of the ideas it gives you!
We will do well at this Time to not inflate or over embellish any untruths, which we hope will disguise a not so healthy state of affairs. Only in facing up to our darkness and weaknesses, will we bring positive progress to any challenging circumstances through those unexpected, radical sparks of inspirational ideas. If we choose to follow a train of stubborn, fearful, negative and prideful communication – and way of doing business – then we are likely to merely encounter forceful opposition and ultimate revelation into the light of day of such untruthful behaviour. Shed those fear-filled shadows!
Once again, issues of Privacy within the realm of Telecommunications will be prevalent. New methods of protecting ourselves from unwonted invasions can now manifest. But, who will know about them? Who will be hiding from whom? Where is the new ‘power base’ now that the old foundations are crumbling and weakened? The power of intuition may become much more accepted and valued in the future…
It’s Time for a radical New Dawn. Let the sparks of intuition and imagination fly free! PC
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