They can criticise you for taking it personally, but truth be known, it is personal to you! Looking back, this seems to make all that you have done up to this point useless. And that is something that you simply cannot tolerate! It would be the opposite of who you are! So if gentle convincing does not seem to get the job done, you may be asked to stand by what you feel! Don’t be concerned that you are overreacting! You have had enough of this and feel that the time is right for transition! But because this is personal, you may be a bit unaware of the best way to approach things. Take it slow and don’t let hypersensitivity get in the way of wisdom!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Venus
Tithi: Shukla Ashtami
Karana: Bava
Yoga: Siva





A Lunar Eclipse approaches 10th January! FInd out what it means for you! Schedule an Astrological Consultation Today!