Purva Bhadrapada New Moon – You are concerned that you do not have the skills necessary to see this through to completion and are beginning to question getting involved in the first place! Now, your honour is at stake! You are too far in to get out! But getting out is not what you want, ultimately! Look at what you are letting grow in your life…your concerns, your fears, your frustration. But the things you need to devote more energy and attention to are hope, honour and passion! You can still turn this around!

Only 3 Empower Hours at $145 and Also a Free Bonus, Nakshatra Secrets or Learn the Divisional Charts Module 1 Video Course! Schedule Here!

Vara: Mercury
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Sadhya

Purva Bhadrapada New Moon