Greener Pastures – Uttara Phalguni New Moon September 14th-15th, 2023

Uttara Phalguni New Moon – It’s important to find the confidence to walk away from something you are unable to change! A period of review has been taking place over the last few weeks regarding ways in which you can better work with a significant other in your life! Now an old chapter of that connection is closing and it is time for you to take what you have learned and apply it. Doing so will allow you to begin to put an end to the toxic elements of that connection and build fertile ground for better communication! Don’t try to reap a harvest from a barren field when greener pastures await!

I want to give you an opportunity to experience the Empowered Approach to Astrology. An approach that affirms your power rather than simply leaving you at the whim of fate. Available at a discount using the code YT. Experience it yourself.

Vara: Venus
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Subha

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