From Live Appearance on New Moon in Anuradha 26th November, 2019

Perhaps you are feeling down on yourself because you are not superhuman?! When you feel like you are dealing with a situation that is teetering between holding it together and complete collapse, it is easy to feel like ‘no’ is not an option. You know you have taken care of business before and obviously feel you should be able to do so now! But taking care of things and controlling the outcome are two different thing. And so, now when it feels as if your best is not good enough, it’s easy to take it personally! Your loyalty is not in question here! And that loyalty counts more than you can imagine! Be patient, things are improving! Just keep doing what feels right!

Daily Panchangam
Vara: Mars
Tithi: New Moon Amavasya
Karana: Naaga
Yoga: Sukarman

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